DNP Slimming suit aka The game changer

Greetings from the fitness corner, how are y’all doing?

This is not just another blogpost talking about some random product this right here is a post that will in fact change your life and take your fitness game from 0-100 real quick.

When i started seriously working out in 2012, it was hard oo, i wont lie, i felt like those workouts were so strenuous and i hated waking up so early in the morning to go and run, but i must say the results on the other side of the mirror kept me going a great deal, and because of this i kept pushing and I never gave up, i wanted to loose weight so badly so i just kept pushing and pushing and pushing.

At the beginning of last year my boss introduced me to a product that has been part of my fitness regime since then.

DNP slimming suit

DNP slimming suit

The Dnp slimming suit is a product from Dnp Dubai that is made of a neoprene material that basically keeps the heat in as you work out which helps the body to sweat more hence making you sweat much more than you would sweat during a normal workout.

If i compare my first year of my workout to my second year with the slimming suit, i honestly wish i had started off with it. I get double the workout done for half the effort. The more i work out, the more i sweat and since this heat is retained in my body then i stay sweating even way after my workout.


What amazes me about this product is, you do not necessarily have to hit the gym to get the results needed, although they may not be as much as when you hit the gym, this suit can be worn casually for an evening stroll, grocery shopping, household chores, playing outside with the kids, anything that puts your body at task and gets you sweating will burn your body up twice as much and leave you sweating just as much. Isn’t that just awesome.


I recommend the DNP slimming suit to anyone who is serious about loosing weight, especially if you are just beginning your fitness journey, those first days are the most critical and most people tend to fall off if they do not see results as quick as they think they should. If you struggle to actually go to the gym but do slight exercises at home then this could also be for you because it keeps your body heated from whatever you are doing which will still leave you sweating.

As with any slimming aid used worldwide, you cannot expect to see a change in your body if you do not change your eating habits, this is not a magic suit sorry, no Abracadabra here, some effort is required in order to loose calories. If you constantly put the work in and you watch what you eat and use the slimming suit then i guarantee you visible results in less than 6 months. I did it, you can do it too.


The slimming suit is made for everybody to wear it comes in sizes from S to M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL, 4XL, 5XL and 6XL so no excuses really it has catered for everybody.


FAQ’s on the DNp slimming suit:

I have had tons of enquiries about the Dnp slimming suit. Most frequently asked questions are:
Is the DNp suit for females only? No the suit is designed both for men and for women with just a small difference in the zip detail for men. So yes the men are catered for too.

What is the price of the DNp slimming suit?
The suit varies between 7500 and 10000 shillings per suit depending on size ordered. Some are complaining the suit is expensive, you would probably get it for 1000 shillings less if you were here in Dubai, plus have you seen the price of the dollar?

Please allow for three day delivery and expect to pay a sh 1500 shipping charge, except for group orders which is 5 and above, your shipping will be catered for. All single orders will be charged for shipping.

Can i be a local retailer for the DNp slimming suit?
Yes you can…in this case we can discuss and give you a wholesale price for the suit and arrange the shipment to your country of choice.

Does the DNp slimming suit really work?
Well, i am a testimony and only prefer to deal with brands that i can vouch for.

Happy hump day

To order your DNp slimming suit and get fit today, please contact me on:


Whatsapp: +971528132252

Love and light.


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